TESOL 50th Anniversary Special Event
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by Vance Stevens 8 years, 10 months ago
TESOL 50th Anniversary Event
Leadership Panel: History of the EV Retrospective
TESOL 50th Anniversary Special Event: Leadership Panel: History of the EV in Retrospective: Over three decades of Professional Development in CALL.
On this 50th anniversary of TESOL, take a walk back in time as past chairs of the CALL-IS discuss the progression of CALL over the last 50 years, and its place in language teaching.
Friday, April 8, 2016, 9:30 - 10:45 am EST.
Room Holiday 4, Hilton Baltimore
13:00 to 14:45 UTC - see this time where you are
Connect online at LearningTimes Room 3
To join the webcast, click here.
Instructions on how to join the webcast may appear soon at the bottom of this page.
Slides in progress: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17rxQ7BE0sQMIbBUMmEWMxbqwQJMDypgbe-toyM3aPx4/edit?usp=sharing
Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Saint Michael's College, USA (cbauer-ramazani@smcvt.edu)
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, California State University, USA (ehansonsmi@yahoo.com)
Deborah Healey, University of Oregon/TESOL Board, USA (dhealey@uoregon.edu) Tom Robb, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan (tom@tomrobb.com)
Vance Stevens, Higher Colleges of Technology, CERT, KBZAC, UAE (VanceStev@gmail.com)
Dawn Bikowski, Ohio University, USA (bikowski@ohio.edu)
All slides in one presentation
CALL-IS Leadership Panel from GSlides.pptx
Time |
Presenter |
Title |
Summary |
Links to materials |
9:30 |
Stephanie Korslund |
Introduce the Panel |
Vance Stevens
A brief look at the early days |
Stevens, V. (2015). How the TESOL CALL Interest Section began (updated). On CALL (Sept 2015),
CALL-IS Leadership Panel vance.pptx
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
Memoirs of a Tech Junkie: How I Got Hooked
Some thoughts on the role of CALL-IS and its sustaining community of volunteers in the development of technology for ESL/EFL.
Memoirs of a Tech Junkie.pptx
Deborah Healey |
CALL Typologies in the EV - Not "Normal" Yet |
A look at past and current typologies of CALL and how they've been represented in the EV, from the old days of selling software to professional development. |
Healey-CALL_Typologies.pptx |
Tom Robb |
'Too many cooks' can be a good thing! |
We will look at how the CALL-IS, through its many activities, provided a wealth of opportunities for developing new leaders. "Leadership" will be defined and we will look at how the CALL-IS produced an abundance of leaders for TESOL. |
A brief look at 'Leadership' & the CALL-IS |
Christine Bauer-Ramazani |
The Electronic Village Online & Webcasting |
The turn of the century brought a turn of professional development in the CALL-IS toward online delivery with the founding of the Electronic Village Online (EVO) and later, in 2006, with web casts from the Electronic Village events at the annual TESOL Convention.
URL for web casts 2006-15: http://bit.ly/webcasts-CALL-IS
Dawn Bikowski |
Online, Digital, and Mobile: Reflecting on the Past as we Plan for the Future |
Looking at ways to build on what we have learned from the past with teaching and training students to use technology for language learning as we move into the future. |
Bikowski TESOL Leadership.pptx |
10:35 |
All presenters |
Q&A |
Presenter Bios:
Stephanie Korslund |
Vance Stevens teaches EFL at the UAE air academy in Al AIn, UAE. He helped co-found CALL-IS in 1984 and was its first officially appointed chair. He has been involved in online learning since way last century, as founder of a movement that became Webheads in Action, still a robust community. He has been a coordinator of the TESOL / CALL-IS Electronic Village Online for almost 15 years and has moderated several 5-week online sessions there ranging from Multiliteracies and MOOCs to Minecraft. In 2010, he started a weekly webinar series called Learning2gether, which has produced around 325 episodes
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith was a teacher educator for over thirty years in China, Sri Lanka, Belize, Russia, and Egypt. She was formerly Coordinator of the CSUS TESOL Program and Chair of CALL-IS (1994-95). Author of books, articles, and software, she was Coordinator for 10 years of the EVO, and recently taught MOOCs for the US DoS and the University of Oregon.
Deborah Healey teaches online (MOOC and smaller) and face-to-face teacher education courses at the University of Oregon’s American English Institute and Department of Linguistics. She is a member of the Board of Directors of TESOL International Association. She writes and presents extensively internationally on appropriate use of technology in language teaching. Her doctorate is in Computers in Education. She was Chair of the CALL-IS in 1991-92.
Tom Robb teaches at Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan and has been active in CALL-IS since the early 1990s. He has been involved in the development of Moodle, and most recently a free site for Extensive Reading, http://mreader.org. He was Chair of the CALL-IS from 1999-2001.
Christine Bauer-Ramazani (MBA, MA, MEd) is an instructor of English and teacher trainer. She has designed and taught online courses for Saint Michael's College and TESOL, co-founded the Electronic Village Online (EVO) of TESOL, and chaired the CALL-Interest Section of TESOL 2009-10. She has written book chapters and articles and presented internationally on online teaching and learning, professional development with technology, and assessment.
Dawn Bikowski directs the English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) in the Linguistics Department at Ohio University. With a PhD in Instructional Technology and an MA in Linguistics, her research interests focus on technology and language learning, and English for academic and specific purposes. She was chair of the TESOL CALL Interest Section from 2011-2012. |
TESOL 50th Anniversary Special Event
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