
Mobile Apps For Education

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Mobile Apps for Education





Mobile Apps for Education Showcase


Thursday, April 7, 2016, 1:00 - 2:45 pm EST.

Room Holiday 4, Hilton Baltimore

To join the webcast, click here. Instructions on how to join the webcast are at the bottom of this page.


Time  Presentation Summary Presenter(s) Presentation Medium &
Links to Web Sites/Resources
1:00-1:10  A Better Communication Strategy with ESL Students via a Mobile App
This presentation is to demonstrate how this free app “Remind” can create a safe, an effective, and an efficient platform for oral and written communications among teachers, students, and parents outside the classroom. After the presentation, attendees will be able to use “Remind” to communicate with students instantly and effectively 


Jason (Hoi Yuen) Chan, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA (sunsun2477@gmail.com)





Using "Explain Everything" in the Classroom

Presenter will demonstrate Explain Everything, an easy-to-use interactive whiteboard app designed to allow the annotation, animation, and narration of teacher and student explanations and presentations. Specifications will be discussed. 


Lia Kamhi-Stein, California State University, Los Angeles, USA (lkamhis@calstatela.edu)


Notability as an instructional tool in reading and writing classes

Notability is a note-taking app that appeals to multiple intelligences and learning styles. This app can be used in various academic settings and content areas. This session will provide participants with techniques and strategies to guide English learners in reading and writing instruction. 


Dilafruz Vosieva, University of Central Missouri, USA (vosieva@ucmo.edu)

Bethany Peña (bpena@warrensburgr6.org)

Warrensburg R-VI School District


iPad mini 
1:30-1:40  Genius: How to Turn a Popular Hip Hop App to Your Teaching Advantage 
Genius is a crowd-sourced (and artist/producer-sourced) annotation tool dedicated to the enjoyment of rap lyrics, but which can be applied to the language analysis of any text. In both website and app form, it is easy for multiple learners to collaboratively annotate text with video, images, and other texts. 

Christine Rosalia, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA (crosalia@hunter.cuny.edu)
Phillip Chapman, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA (philchapmn@gmail.com)
Rocio Montero, Hunter College, Bronx Academy of Promise, USA (rocio.montero28@myhunter.cuny.edu)


Todaysmeet.com: Zero-Prep, Engaging Grammar Competitions

Do you have a grammar class that’s becoming a bit stale? NO TIME to put together inter-personal, exciting grammar activities? Students ALWAYS on their phones? Create zero-prep competitions with todaysmeet.com! Many grammar textbooks have repetitive exercises that can be turned into games in no time! Students and teachers love it! 


Brian Bennitt, California State University, Los Angeles, USA (bkbennitt@gmail.com)


TOEFL® test prep on the go: Unleashing the power of ETS's new official TOEFL® Go!™ mobile app

This session provides educators with practical, easy-to-implement classroom and homework exercises that will improve students' understanding of the TOEFL® test using the new TOEFL® Go!™ app. This free official app (with in-app purchases) was designed by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the maker of the TOEFL® test 


Elizabeth Jenner, Educational Testing Service, USA (ejenner@ets.org)




"Shadow Puppet": A Digital Storytelling Tool

The "Shadow Puppet" app allows students to create fun, multimodal digital stories using text, audio recording, images, gifs, and video clips. Participants will be walked through use of the app as well as shown examples from K-12 literacy classrooms. We will share sample rubrics aligned to language and content standards. 


Rachel Gorman, Hunter College, USA (racgorman@gmail.com)
Christine Rosalia, Hunter College, USA (crosalia@hunter.cuny.edu)
2:10-2:20  Enhancing the Learning of Second of Language Learners Using Seesaw: the Digital Learning Journal 

Seesaw is a digital learning journal that lets students show their learning through the use of drawing, video, text, photo, and links. Second language learners can show what they know without having to worry about not fully grasping the English language.


Teresa Fields, Arlington Public Schools, USA (teresa.fields@apsva.us)


Teresa-Fields-Seesaw Digital Learning Journal_1.pptx  


Chalkup—Student Engagement Platform for Mobile Learning

The presenter will demonstrate how Chalkup, this mobile Student Engagement Platform, fosters personalized and collaborative learning. Participants will learn how to create a class, share materials and add such collaborative tools as discussions, annotated assignment markups, and collaborative projects to make students active learners in this next generation learning platform 


Maria Tomeho-Palermino, CELOP, Boston University, USA (mrplrmn154@gmail.com) 


Using Groupchat Apps To Motivate More Writing In and Out of Class
With groupchat apps we can get even the most resistant students to write of their own volition. Attendees will see how using groupchat, both in AND out of class, leads to students writing more, more often and more willingly while overcoming errors more efficiently and with far less reluctance. 

David Winet, Cal State East Bay, USA (david.winet@csueastbay.edu)

  Presenter Bios
  Jason (Hoi Yuen) Chan: Jason received his PhD in 2013 and is currently teaching in an IEP. His interests are academic writing, first-year writing course, and grammar. 

Elizabeth Jenner is a test developer in the English Language Learning (ELL) area of the Assessment Development division at Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey. She has specialized in developing the TOEFL® iBT test and its supporting materials for test takers over the last 12 years. She also coordinates the ELL Summer Institute at ETS each year, where 30-40 interns are hired to write content for the TOEFL® and TOEIC® families of tests.

  Teresa Fields--I am a teacher with over 15 years of experience in Arlington County Public Schools in Virginia. During my time in Arlington, I have worked with students whose English language levels varied from non-emergent, beginning, to transitional and native. I spent much of my career working in an inclusion setting where I worked as a Special Education Teacher. More recently, I worked in the General Education setting teaching in 2nd and 3rd grades. It is in this setting where I worked with Second language learners. I have worked with students from various countries Mongolia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, and others who came into my classroom with little or no English. Last year, I received a second grade student from Mongolia who had no grasp of the English language. I introduced her to the Seesaw app and she was able to learn much of what she needed to participate at school. Currently, I am the STEM coordinator at my school, I continue to use Seesaw as a tool to help second language learners learn the content being taught.  
  Dilafruz Vosieva is a full-time faculty member at the English Language Center (ELC) of University of Central Missouri (UCM) in Warrensburg.  She got her MA in TESL from UCM, and has over 15 years of experience in teaching English in Uzbekistan, China, and the U.S.  Dilafruz has extensive experience with curriculum and program development,  placement/assessment, and teacher training.  Some of the projects she has helped to develop at the ELC include the Aviation English program, short-term service-learning programs, the GradTrack curriculum, and testing skills curriculum.  Dilafruz is an active member of MIDTESOL and TESOL, where she has served as conference proposal reviewer.

Bethany Peña--Bethany is an ELL teacher in the Warrensburg R-VI School District in Warrensburg, Missouri.  She has a BA in Spanish Education and an MA in TESL, both from the University of Central Missouri, and she has 5 years of experience teaching ESL in both K-12 and IEP settings.  Bethany has experience with curriculum development and interdisciplinary collaboration; placement and assessment (WIDA); working with a data team to collect and analyze student assessment data; teacher training; and educational technology training.  For the past 2 years, she has been a member of a collaborative team focusing on strategies for educating students in poverty.

  Christine Rosalia, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of TESOL at Hunter College. She teaches graduate courses on integrating technology into everyday pedagogy from pre–K to adult language learning. Research interests include teaching multilingual literacies and assessments for learning, particularly peer online feedback of academic writing.  

Rachel Gorman is an MA TESOL student at Hunter College. She is currently student teaching in a New York City public high school exclusively for immigrant English Language Learners (ELLs). Her previous work experience includes museum education at the New-York Historical Society and coordinating an afterschool enrichment program for middle school students through the Vassar College Department of Education. 



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