
Meaningful Play: Gaming and Language Learning

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on April 7, 2016 at 6:07:05 pm








Hot Topics: Meaningful Play


Gaming and Learning



Hot Topics: Gaming for the Classroom: How to Use Them and What to Know About Them.


Friday, April 8, 2016, 11:00 am - 12:50 pm EST.

Room Holiday 4, Hilton Baltimore

To join the webcast, click here. Instructions on how to join the webcast are at the bottom of this page.


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 

J. Elliott Casal


ESL Writing with Games: Teacher Choices & Student Voices
This presentation will describe an Intermediate ESL Writing Course which made extensive use of Gone Home. It will emphasize the voices and experiences of students and considerations for instructors looking to implement similar projects. 

Vance Stevens



Jeff Kuhn


Games & TESOL: The Next 50 Years  This presentation will highlight the increased interest in games within TESOL and among our learners. It will summarize where we stand and where we should be looking in the use of games and learning.   

Rodrigo Carvalho





Presenter Bios: 
Jeff Kuhn is a PhD candidate in Instructional Technology at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. His focus is how technology, and games specifically, can be leveraged for experiential learning. He currently serves as a member of the CALL-IS steering committee. 
J. Elliott Casal (MA) is a term instructor at Ohio University and Hocking Technical College. He teaches undergraduate academic writing and and ESL composition while serving as the Coordinator of the ELIP Undergraduate Writing Lab and ELIP Graduate Writing & Critical Reading Lab. His research and teaching interests include academic writing, English for Specific/Academic Purposes, and Corpus Linguistics, and he is always interested in exploring the educational affordances of new technologies. He will begin work as a PhD student in Applied Linguistics at Penn State University in Fall 2016-17. For questions and comments, please email him at jelliottcasal@gmail.com.




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