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Innovating Language Learning through Technology for Environmental Responsibility

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InterSection: CALL-IS with SRIS and Environmental Forum  


Innovating Language Learning

through Technology

for Environmental Responsibility



InterSection: CALL-IS with SRIS and Environmental Forum:

Innovating Language Learning through Technology for Environmental Responsibility


Thursday, April 7, 2016, 9:30 - 11:15 am EST.

Room Holiday 4, Hilton Baltimore

To join the webcast, click here. Instructions on how to join the webcast are at the bottom of this page.


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 

Jack Watson


CALL-IS Welcome and Introduction(s) Welcoming all presenters; presenting brief overall outline of presentation: introducing Maureen Templeman (Environmental Forum) and ________ (SRIS); introducing Jeff Kuhn (CALL-IS). No materials.
9:32-9:34 SRIS Representative SRIS Welcome     

Maureen Templeman 


Environmental Forum Welcome  Introducing George Chinnery.  

George M. Chinnery


A Mobile App Learnathon in Central and Eastern Europe

Team introductions.

During this segment, I will explain the genesis of a social responsibility through English language learning mobile app learnathon sponsored by the Regional English Language Office in Budapest for teachers from the Baltics to the Balkans.  


Ivana Bankovic 


EcoReporters Mobile App

In this segment I will introduce EcoReporters, a mobile app for English language learning that won Learnathon 2015 competition. I will explain the process of development of the application, what the app is about and present the walkthrough of the app features.


Sanja Tasic 


EcoReporters Mobile App

In this segment I will present possible ways of using it in class as well as benefits for learners - promoting student agency, engagement in critical social topics, decision making, learning in interaction, etc.


Marko Bankovic


EcoReporters Mobile App

In this segment I will demonstrate how the app works and the participants will have the chance to test the application.


Nora Tartsay Nemeth 



Jeff Kuhn


Agents of Change: Using Technology to Increase Social Responsibility  This presentation will focus on how technology can promote student agency by letting them engage in experiential learning, decision making, and how tech can support engagement in critical social topics.   


Presenter Bios:

Jack Watson (TESOL CALL-IS Chair-elect) is the ELP e-Learning Coordinator at the University of New Brunswick English Language Programme in Fredericton NB Canada. With over 30 years of ESL teaching experience, Jack has served on the CALL-IS Steering Committee as Web Cast Development Coordinator and Electronic Village Classics Coordinator.  
SRIS Representative
Maureen Templeman

George M. Chinnery is the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) for Central and Southeastern Europe, based in Budapest.

Ivana Bankovic  is an English language teacher in a primary school "Branko Radičević" in Serbia. She holds an MA in English Language and Literature and an MA in Early Childhood Education. She is a member of several international association and has presented on a number of their conferences.
Sanja Tasic is an English language teacher in a primary school "Jovan Aradjelović" in Serbia. She graduated in English language and literature at the University of Nis in Serbia in 2003. She has been an English teacher for thirteen and a teacher trainer for two years.
Marko Bankovic holds a degree in English Language and Literature from Faculty of Philology, University of Kragujevac and is currently working as a Coordinator for Career Guidance in National Tempus Office in Serbia.
Nora Tartsay Nemeth
Jeff Kuhn is a PhD candidate in Instructional Technology at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. His focus is how technology, and games specifically, can be leveraged for experiential learning. He currently serves as a member of the CALL-IS steering committee.




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