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Presenter's Bio: Dr. Christine Sabieh, Professor at Notre Dame University, is an American who lives in Lebanon. Through her teaching, administrative posts, and research, she keeps up her interest in Language teaching, Educational Technology and Educational Psychology. An advocate of CAL and a Certified On-Line Instructor/Trainer, she does education consultancy, workshops, publishes, and participates in conferences on a national, regional and international level. She is a member of TESOL, serving as a CALL-IS Steering Committee member, and has been an active contributor to TESOL Arabia activities and publications and serves as Testing SIG member-at-large Committee member.
Dr. Christine Sabieh, Professor at Notre Dame University, is an American who lives in Lebanon. Through her teaching, administrative posts, and research, she keeps up her interest in Language teaching, Educational Technology and Educational Psychology. An advocate of CAL and a Certified On-Line Instructor/Trainer, she does education consultancy, workshops, publishes, and participates in conferences on a national, regional and international level. She is a member of TESOL, serving as a CALL-IS Steering Committee member, and has been an active contributor to TESOLArabia activities and publications and serves as Testing SIG member-at-large Committee member.